Posted about 2 months ago


Published by Razvan

Eavesdropping or spying is an interesting dream theme because you may be accessing information about yourself in the only way your psyche will allow. Not being a part of a conversation taking place between characters can show your disinterest or how you are not owning up to something. Often what the other characters are discussing seems bizarre. It is these bizarre clues that are richest in meaning - if you really explore what is being brought to your attention in this cryptic manner - you will discover something very important about yourself that you had not acknowledged prior. People discussing food can portray your lack of fulfillment and what you might do to feel fulfilled. People discussing work can symbolize how you are not satisfied with your career - even while you ignore these feelings. People discussing a car can be helping you to recognize what it will take to move forward in a more empowered manner. If people are discussing the weather or a natural disaster - your inner foundation may be undergoing transformation that will lead to rebirth.